Welcome to our newest group of alumni, the Class of 2018!!!
Ita��s an exciting feel to complete something as important as High School, especially something that has lasted for so many years!! For many of our graduates this is the completion of more than than just High School, it is a celebration of over 15 years at Sekolah Ciputra, wow!! A�
As alumni, you are now entering a different realm of the Sekolah Ciputra community. Youa��re moving from the role of student to that of the mentor. The future students of Sekolah Ciputra will now be looking up to you as an example, someone to emulate. Your leadership as an alumnus means more to others than it may mean to you, this is an honour and a responsibility that youa��ve earned and deserve. A�
Youa��ll be looked to for advice and encouragement, youa��ll blaze trails that future Sekolah Ciputra alumni will follow and youa��ll light the way for those who find themselves lost. The paths youa��ve taken thus far have helped you reach this point. However, the journey ahead of you will include many choices and options. It is your fellow alumni, those whoa��ve come before you, who you can look to for advice and mentoring. Theya��ve walked in your shoes and have many experiences to share. Seek it, listen to it and apply it.
From all of us here in the Sekolah Ciputra community we wish you a sincere and heartfelt a�?congratulations on your graduationa��. AND…welcome to the Alumni Association, where your involvement in the Sekolah Ciputra family will continue on forever! A�