Creative Arts Festival

Did you get to the Creative Arts Festival? If not you missed a special night where the Creative Arts and the talents,imagination and unity of our school community were celebrated.
The event was actually three events in one.
1. The launch of the new Sekolah Ciputra Music website:
2. The launch of an innovative new Cross School Creative Arts project – a USB compilation of Visual Arts, Dance, Creative Writing, Music and Drama, called ‘Where to now…?’ and;
3. An end of semester concert in Ciputra Hall that showcased the Performing Arts talents of our school community (staff and students).

The launch in Ciputra Hall Foyer included Art projected on to the walls, interactive displays and a live pre-concert, outdoor concert featuring some of the original songs and compositions that feature on the ‘Where to now…?, compilation.

The success of the night is testimony to the creative energy, imagination and sense of community that the Creative Arts are fostering at our school.