
Hi my name is Joshiah Hanjaya. I started a business called cyclespa.byj.

Before all this happened, I was a lazy boy who played online games for most of the day. I started cycling when the pandemic started. After a couple of months, I’d been cycling more and more, because it is the main sport I can do during this pandemic. I dove deeper into the sport and I fell in love but, that was it. One day, I had an idea to start a business as my sister had already started her own bake shop a couple months previously and I didn’t want to be left out so I decided to put all my effort into making the business work. I already knew all the basics of how to clean a bike because my father taught me. I mentioned my idea to my parents, they agreed and supported me.

My main motivation is that I can learn and understand what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and to manage running a business. I think that my sister inspired me greatly. She helped me edit some posts and create an Instagram account. My other motivation is to make my parents proud. I love to see how my parents react when they see me do something creative and make progress in my life. Last but not least, I can earn money on my own. These past few days, I have learnt that a business is not all about the earnings, but it’s also about the skills you learn and the creativity put into the business. My dream is to expand this business in the future. This all started because of my passion for cycling and I believe that anyone can create a business from what they love and passion.  

Thank you

Joshiah Emmanuel Hanjaya – 7D

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