Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Last week we had our first week of being open for face-to-face teaching across the continuum. Whilst the timings and student numbers vary from class to class it is just wonderful to have students in the buildings and to feel the positive hum around the school. There are a few points to note though. Both the PYP and the High School have special one-off rules regarding Grade 6 and Grade 12 uniforms respectively. We have also made some quite significant changes in how we exit the school buildings, particularly in the High School with four exits now available for different grade levels. As we have stated many times before the situation is one that changes very rapidly and is likely to continue doing so.

Last week the PYP celebrated mathematics week and also the 100th day of school. Please see the photos of some of the events. The school billboard is currently celebrating the efforts of PYP students Gabrielle, Lorenzo and Mike for gaining gold, silver and silver medals respectively in the Asian International Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO). This is yet more evidence of the strong emphasis on and development of mathematics programmes in the school. The PYP 6 students are about to begin mathematics unit four which will raise expectations for their mathematical skills by one chronological year.

Speaking of the Grade 6 students, preparations for the PYP exhibition are well underway. It has been wonderful to drop into their classes and note the high expectations and quality of discussions regarding their topics. We are looking forward to a wonderful event.  

Finally, there will be a workshop for parents on the PYP exhibition on the 20th January and another for all PYP parents on the 21st facilitated by Sekolah Ciputra alumnus Dyah Ayu Kusumawardani Gunawan on helping our students to take more responsibility for their learning. This is something I think we can all agree will be invaluable!  

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal 

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