“Sekolah Ciputra is the best school in Surabaya, as Sekolah Ciputra has been accredited and it has a good curriculum.”
1. After graduating from Sekolah Ciputra, where do you study? What is your major?
-Bachelor Degree: Universitas Ciputra majoring in Economics.
-Master Degree: Universitas Narotama majoring in Management.
2. What did you do after graduating from university?
After graduating from university, I thought about starting up a gym business.
3. What is your current occupation?
I’m a wife, a mother of three beautiful daughters and a business woman. Currently, I’m controlling 3 branches of my gym business which are 3C Gym Citraland, 3C Gym Ciliwung and 3C Gym Dharmahusada, and also Alexandria Beauty Salon.
4. What was the inspiration behind your business?
I think gym business is very interesting. Furthermore, this business is growing fast in Surabaya because the need of people for a healthy lifestyle is high and people really enjoy physical activity. I took this as a business opportunity that can bring profit to many parties. Aside from that, my dad and mom have always been my inspiration. They always motivate me to do something that I love and are passionate about. Lucky me, I got the best parents that supported me mentally and physically. They always teach me to never give up and keep on going.
5. Do you use social media to promote your business? If yes, please include the link as well
Yes. We use social media as a venue for promotion. We use paid promotion on Instagram and we design creative strategies to introduce 3C Gym to the wider community. Here are the link:
- https://instagram.com/3cgym.ciliwung?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== (3C Ciliwung)
- https://instagram.com/3cgym.citraland?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== (3C Citraland)
- https://instagram.com/3cgym.dharmahusada?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== (3C Dharmahusada)
We also promote our salon through instagram and here is the link: https://www.instagram.com/alexandriabeautysalon/
6. What advice would you give to a graduating student who was interested in creating their own business?
Dream, Believe and Make It Come True! As we all know, being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. There are many ups and downs, moments of uncertainty and barriers that may hinder your success but, keep going, have confidence and believe in yourself. You can achieve way more than you know. If the intention is already there, immediately realize it and enjoy the process. Don’t make it a burden. Even though your business is still small, keep managing it with management techniques. Don’t let it seem haphazard. While studying, start paying attention to how to plan promotions, sales, and make financial reports. That’s all, not really advice, because I’m still learning and will always be learning. Just sharing my experiences. Keep up the spirit of entrepreneur, whatever the profession is, make sure you still have a business.
7. In what way did Sekolah Ciputra contribute to your job right now?
Sekolah Ciputra provides a high standard of education with a strong international focus, so that the development of passion and goals can be easily achieved. In Sekolah Ciputra, we are taught to be a leader, not a boss who can only give orders, but to be a leader who understands and helps subordinates. I applied this to my job right now, so that everything can be carried out in accordance with the procedures and objectives of my business.
8. What was the best thing about Sekolah Ciputra? Tell us something memorable from your time at Sekolah Ciputra.
Camping week. It was really fun. We learned how to be independent; do everything by ourselves without the help from helpers and so we also learned to appreciate them.
9. Would you recommend Sekolah Ciputra to others? If yes, what would you say about it?
YES! Sekolah Ciputra is the best school in Surabaya, as it has been accredited and it has a good curriculum.
10. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Taking care of my children and spending time with my family. Apart from that, of course, I prepare some business planning for the future.