Parent Support Group

We believe it is vitally important that parents have an opportunity to be connected to the school in a variety of ways. It is essential for the success of any school that parents are committed, involved and supportive of the decisions the school makes.

Recent educational research suggests that highly effective schools, that is, schools that achieve high standards, have a number of features in common:

  • High expectations are set for student learning
  • There is strong and effective leadership
  • Teachers have a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of their subjects and a deep understanding of how students learn
  • There is a positive school culture where students have a sense of belonging and pride
  • There are high levels of parent and community involvement

In essence, schools where a large number of parents take an active role in discussing, monitoring and supporting their childrens learning are schools where children do best.

Schools must take responsibility for ensuring parents remain connected. Schools should wherever possible communicate directly with parents, invite parents to regularly attend functions and information sessions, and encourage parents to be involved in the total life of the school. The school needs to provide a variety of opportunities for parent involvement, as parents like different things, and parents have different skills.

At Sekolah Ciputra, we expect you, as a parent, to be involved in the Three Way Conference, the Student Led Conference, and Student Exhibition and Personal Project Programmes that occur as part of the student progress reporting. We also encourage you to be involved as much as possible whether through the Parent Support Group, as a guest speaker in our Primary Resources Programme or the Careers Day Programme, or by simply visiting the school throughout the year.

We encourage parents to read our newsletters, regularly check the website, and discuss daily school happenings with their child. Should an issue arise, we would like you to feel comfortable to communicate this with the appropriate person. We always welcome your thoughts and ideas.

Other research has shown that while parent involvement tends to be consistent throughout the Pre-Elementary/ Early Childhood levels of schooling, there tends to be a dramatic decline in parent involvement in schools as their children enter grades 4-6 and adolescence. We encourage all parents to actively review ways to remain connected with our school as your child moves from Pre-Elementary through to Grade 6 and on to Grade 12.

At Sekolah Ciputra, we look forward to having you integrally involved in your child’s education. Our goal is for you to feel welcomed, valued and listened to.

Through the Parent Support Group (PSG), parents work in partnership with the school to support the range of school programmes and special events. The Parents Support Group coordinates parent workshops, charity events and fundraising, as well as social gatherings involving the school, parents and the community.

Significant events coordinated by the PSG include the bi-annual School Bazaar and the yearly Fit and Fun activities. The PSG also provides support to important occasions like School Graduations.

New parents are welcomed as members. Please phone (741 5018/21001716 ext 8125) for further information.