Arts Festival 2021

For one week starting from March 15th – 19th, 2021 the ARTS Department held their annual Art Festival. This year the theme was “Unlock your Creativity “.

The students involved started from Pre-El, Elementary through to High School. They showed skills in music, dance, painting, singing, and pantomime…many of the students talents are what they have learned in the classroom.

There were over 200 Art works selected. This event the best PYP Artwork was selected and will be the cover of the Sekolah Ciputra Yearbook.

Here is a testimonial from one of our talented students:

Hi, I am Matthew Anderson Go Grade 9C. In my performance, it’s about me being an FBI agent that is being chased by an enemy. I use the Mission Impossible theme song, to make it clearer that I’m an agent, I also use hand gestures such as pretending that I am in a suit with a tie and glasses. Before recording, I always have a plan or a storyline of what is going to happen in the story. I plan for the introduction about who I am in the scene, next is the problem that rises up to the climax of the story, then I think of the solution of the problem or the process of how the story will end. When recording this performance, I feel happy because I get to express my creativity from different movies or imagination and turn that into a performance or movements. I’m happy to learn pantomime, because I get to receive new experiences in my life.

By showing my performance in the Arts Festival, I am glad to show my creativity and expression to others. This helps to improve my confidence in future performances and projects, and also more importantly to reflect on myself, on how I am able to improve my performance, because in my opinion, reflecting our own performance by seeing our own weaknesses and receiving feedback and comments from different perspectives helps us to become greater and stronger.

Matthew Anderson Go Grade 9C

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