Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Child protection and providing a safe learning environment for our students is our number one priority. This is especially challenging when the environment is an online one. With this in mind, our HS Librarian Ms Adrianna has been working on helping to make our whole community better digital citizens. As a result of her efforts, we have been named a “Common Sence School,” and Ms Adrianna a “Common Sence Educator.  Excerpts from the letter are posted below.

“Congratulations on becoming a Common Sense School! Your school’s dedication to teaching young people how to be safe, responsible digital citizens inspires us.  We want your community to know just how much work you’ve put into helping your students thrive in the digital age. Your work is inspirational, and we encourage you to share it with others! We appreciate your commitment to creating a culture of digital citizenship in your school. We consider ourselves lucky to support you in that journey. 

-The Common Sense Education team-

It is always nice to get this feedback but is especially good to have the support of outside experts in helping to maintain and build a safe learning environment.  My thanks to Ms Adriana and Ms Julie Ikayanti for running the parent workshop on digital citizenship last Friday.

As you know, the school adopted the International Day of Failure as a continuum celebration. The reason we celebrate this day is because the willingness to risk failure is such an important part of life. In the PYP there was a shared lesson on failure. Students followed this up by making a video on flipgrad and then had the opportunity to share and discuss. The HS shared videos from students regarding occasions when they had failed and how they built upon these occurrences. The counsellors will follow this activity up on the 27th October. Finally, as this is being written the EY are having their own assembly focussing on resilience courage determination

Speaking of school wide activities, it is great to also see activities celebrating Bulan Bahasa are gaining momentum in the school that will lead to the sumpah permuda on the 28th October. STUCO has their aku cinta Indonesia activity which will develop posters to celebrate the day. These celebrations are a great way to demonstrate our pride in our national identity.

Finally, thank you to everyone for the donations of food and cash (which will be used to purchase food) for World Food Day. This will be distributed to Garda Pangan on 24th October. This is yet another example of our community exemplifying the learner profile attribute of caring.


Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal 

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