The World Scholars’ Cup Global Round in Vietnam

The World Scholars Cup Global Round in Vietnam has just been completed. This year was the biggest event to date with 3500 scholars taking part from 40 countries around the globe. Our team participated magnificently and did Sekolah Ciputra proud.

We also experienced a special occasion, when Bapak Ibnu Hadi, Our Indonesian Ambassador for Vietnam invited us to have lunch with him in the Indonesian Embassy office. It was our first such invitation during a world scholars cup and it made us feel very proud.

We are proud of all our participants. Below is a summary of our major achievements.

Meiko Gunawan (PYP 5)

1. Gold for Individual debate,

2. Gold for top debate team,

3. Gold for Literature Challenge Subject,

4. Gold for school top scholars,

5. Gold for Champion scholars.

Zerlina Nur Azizzah (PYP 5)

1. Silver for Individual Debate,

2. Gold for top debate team,

2. Silver for Science Challenge Subject,

Regina Felicia Hadi Putri (PYP 5)

1. Silver for Individual Debate,

2. Gold for top debate team.

Trevor Julian (MYP 7)

1. Gold for Scholars’ Bowl Challenge

Victoria (MYP 8)

1. Gold for school top scholars

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