Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

My news this week focuses on the outbreak of the corona virus. Issues like this are always a cause of concern in areas where large numbers of people gather together. We urge everyone to follow the basic instructions issued by the Indonesian Medical Association which is also copied at the bottom of this message. The Indonesian Medical Association recommends a series of basic common sense steps.

  • Use basic hygiene such as washing your hands especially after sneezing or coughing.
  • Use a hand sanitizer.
  • Keep your child at home if they feel unwell and seek advice from medical professionals if you have any concerns.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Parents of children who have been overseas are strongly encouraged to keep their children at home until the incubation period for the disease has passed. We understand that you may have concerns about safety and wish to keep your child home. We respect your decision to do so. Please check the attached information from the Indonesian Medical Association. We will inform you immediately if there are any updates from them, the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Education regarding this matter.

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