CAS Project

My name is Pearl Bower and I come from Fiji. Recently my home country was ravaged by 3 consecutive cyclones that occurred in a short period of time earlier on this year. I am currently in Grade 11DP and doing CAS. I saw all the suffering in Fiji caused by the cyclones and so one of my CAS projects was to fundraise at least Rp. 2,000,000 by making chocolate chip cookies and selling them. I wanted to raise funds for the Fiji Red Cross Society. They are the first responders during a natural disaster in Fiji and provide food, clean drinking water, clothing and other basic necessities. I advertised on Instagram and a few community WhatsApp groups and got over 20 orders and baked 507 cookies for this project. All the proceeds were then transferred to the Fiji Red Cross Society bank account.
This CAS project took a total of 7 days to complete, including planning, receiving orders, baking and packaging. It was worth it. I learnt a lot in terms oforganisation and time management. I loved designing the packaging as well, which I tried to make as eco-friendly as possible, with no plastic bags. I also got lots of feedback that my cookies were delicious and thoughtfully packaged. One of the most beneficial outcomes of this CAS project was the satisfaction of helping my people in their time of need.
Pearl Akata Lavenia Bower – Grade 11 DP

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