News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Welcome back from the break.

The next two and a half weeks will be incredibly busy. High School students were given their final semester tasks today. Additionally there is course work to complete and in some cases internal assessments and for the Grade 11 students, Extended Essay planning and organisation. We also have virtual completion ceremonies to organise and undertake. The message through all of this is to finish the year strongly. We have seen marvellous examples of our school community displaying resilience and positivity in the face of some really trying circumstances. The next two and a half weeks provide us with the opportunity of getting positive closure to the year. We have designed meaningful activities for all students until the end of the school year which we know will both challenge and build understanding. Let’s continue in the very positive vein that we have seen and finish our year strongly.

At this time of year, parents and students often think about getting teachers gifts to say thank you for their efforts. Our school regulations and staff code of conduct state very clearly that staff may not accept expensive gifts from parents/students. As a rule of thumb a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates or a homemade card are appropriate. Anything beyond this breaks our policies. Our teachers are professionals who teach our children because they love to see them learn and grow.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

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