News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

It is great to see ever increasing numbers of students coming into the school for face-to-face teaching and also good to see that plans are underway to expand the number of classes that have access to face-to-face teaching.  The PYP will release its timetable for the simulations it will be running shortly.  I do want to reiterate what I said last week which is that I think it is critical that as many Grade 12 students as possible return because they will undoubtably be sitting their final examinations (which will be hand written) and need the practice of being in the school environment as well as the very real benefits that accrue from being in a face-to-face situation.

Thank you to OSIS for their organisation of Spirit Week and for the manner in which they are going about keeping engagement levels high in the school. The merchandise on sale is also a great initiative.

We appreciate all your hard work. Thank you also to all students and parents that took part in the student led conferences last Friday. 

This week the school celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week.  This is a continuum celebration which will have as a part of it a focus on female entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurship stands in the heart of our school vision, and it is wonderful to see activities from Early Years all the way to the Senior school.

November 10th is also national Heros Day. This will be celebrated within the school and gives us all a chance to reflect upon the sacrifices made in the past that have helped us to where we ae now.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn 

Executive Principal 

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