News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers, and Staff,

Welcome to the first full week of classes. It has been a joy to have the school filled with the excited buzz of students, and from what I see, the students are thrilled to be back. Once again, our appreciation goes to all those who worked so hard to get the school site ready for the new academic year.

Parent information sessions, jointly hosted by the school units and the PSG, begin today with Playgroup A and B parents, and will run through until the 11th of August. Please take note of what day your session is and come along for an informative session with your child’s teachers. We also recommend you access the relevant parent information handbook on either Toddle or ManageBac. This will enhance communication and ensure greater transparency.

Each year we consult with the wider community about two learner profile attributes. This year the chosen two are “Communicator,” and “Open minded.” The questions addressed are, “What does it mean to be a Communicator and Open Minded in Sekolah Ciputra?

  • In the curriculum
  • In the school environment
  • In teaching-learning practice
  • In the community

Our answers to previous learner profile attribute collaborations are available on the website under the tab Programmes/Schoolwide learner outcomes.

Have a good week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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