Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,
Congratulations to Mr Terry and the High School team on the wonderfully informative newsletter that was sent out to parents last Friday. There is no such thing as too much communication and this document, which is also available on the website, contains outstanding information. It covers study tips, recommended homework times, and a focus on good manners. We are delighted with the way in which staff and students have embraced our focus on being well mannered. It is evident in the way students address others with courtesy and respect and the way they take responsibility for themselves. It may seem simple, but it is a delight to see the vast majority of our students tidying up after themselves at break time, wearing the correct uniform and bringing the correct equipment. Self-management is a fundamental building block in education and it is pleasing to see the progress students are making.
The coffee morning initiative is another great opportunity for positive interaction and communication. The first coffee morning will be on Friday, 13th September, led by Mr Terry. It will be in B16 (where Parent Meetings were held earlier this month) from 10:30am-11:30am. Hope you can make it.
Finally, please note the procedure for students who would like to attend the Basketball on Monday, 9th September at the DBL arena downtown. Our boys team will be playing against St Louis at 1.20 pm, and we are encouraging as many supporters as possible. From our side, we are happy for students from across the continuum, (High School and Elementary) to attend. We have a healthy rivalry with St Louis and the spirit of friendly competition is a great thing! It is important for child protection purposes, that we know if your child is attending. Please inform the school through written or verbal permission to allow your child to leave school at 12 pm. Come and join the Sekolah Ciputra group of supporters!
Have a great week!
Martin Blackburn