Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

What a privilege it was to be involved in the sembako murah with the PSG and student volunteers on Saturday. This event enabled over 1000 packages of staples (beras, minyak etc) to be sold at very low prices to families in our local area. In the current economic climate this is a blessing to many families. In the opening speeches we reflected upon the role the school plays in its community. The willingness the school has to be an active part of its physical community supporting those in the surrounding area is incredible. What was also incredible was the support given by staff, students and parents. We had a massive turn out of people, illustrating just how strong relationships are in the school. Our PSG does a superb job for and with the school. Thank you Ibu Nency and the team.

We have a busy week ahead with the first football game in the new Surabaya Sports League being played against SES at 4.00 pm on Wednesday afternoon. The SES side is very well drilled and organised, so this will be a significant challenge, but one which I am sure our boys will rise to. 

The High School is in the midst of preparing for Student Led Conferences. This is a great opportunity for students to reflect upon their own learning and put in place systems to improve their work. We look forward to a productive process that brings students, teachers and parents together in the common goal of improving academic achievement. 

The following week three of our senior staff are going to the East Asian Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) conference in Bangkok, Thailand. I am delighted that one of them, Ms Christine is going as a presenter. In other words, she has been invited to speak about teaching innovations here at Sekolah Ciputra to an international audience of school leaders. This is wonderful for our school and speaks of just how state-of-the-art our structures and systems are. Significantly in the next six months we also have two staff presenting at the EARCOS teaching conference and then in March two teachers presenting at the International Baccalaureate World Conference. All of them have been invited to speak about different aspects of our teaching practice. We look forward to sharing the content of their presentations with you.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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