News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

It was a joy to attend the Grade 5 Science Fair on Friday. The thing that stood out was the ability of the students to describe the scientific method they had used and the capacity to inquire when results did not support their hypothesis. It was wonderful to hear them talking about how they reduced random variables in order to make their experiments more attuned to their hypothesis. Well done Grade 5! 

Large numbers of our students were involved in the SIS football tournament from Thursday and throughout the weekend. Again, it was wonderful to see the commitment, teamwork, and sportsmanship of our teams. It is also great to see how their ability has improved over the past few weeks.

High School students should now be well on track for their end of semester assessments. Grades 7-9 have a final summative task in each subject whilst the Grade 10 and 11 students have examinations. There will be a lot of pressure on the students to get all subjects completed in one week so revision should be happening now! 

Thank you to the parents who attended the think tank during the week and to the Parent Support Group (PSG) who held their potluck party to thank those who supported the sembako murah and garage sale.

Finally, Grade 10 students are beginning their pathways journey where they pick the subjects that they want to take in Grades 11 and 12. This is a critical time and I urge all Grade 10 students to use the opportunity to check with the college counsellors that the courses they propose to take are appropriate in gaining acceptance to the universities they wish to attend. Sorting this out at the beginning of the process is far easier than doing it once the course of studies is underway!

Have a good week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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