News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

What a wonderful celebration we had for Independence Day with a flag ceremony followed with a fun morning of games and activities. It was a day to feel tremendously proud of who we are and what we stand for. I really want to thank all the students and staff for their incredible efforts and commend Pak Budhi and the High School senior management team for the organisation of the programme. Please take a look at the website photo gallery for a snap shot of the day.

Last Friday and Saturday our High School teachers took part in in service training for two days to help build capacity and improve the quality of teaching in the school. Our particular areas of focus were academic writing in the Senior School and the effective integration of units in the Middle School. I was delighted with the participation and enthusiasm from our staff. It was also great to hear the feedback from the presenters who came form Australia. They were very impressed with the school, the tone, the focus and the knowledge of our staff. Well done teachers!

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn