News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear students, staff, parents, alumni and the whole Sekolah Ciputra community,

The big news this week is the Bazaar which starts early on Saturday morning with the fun walk. It then continues with lots of stalls and performances throughout the day and into the evening. The PSG have worked tirelessly in putting this event together and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to them for their continued unconditional support to the school. This type of event really brings a community together. We look forward to meeting with you all and enjoying the many performances, stalls and other entrepreneurial activities.

Thanks also must go to the PSG for the wonderful job they did celebrating World Teachers’ Day. It was such a wonderful experience for our staff to arrive at school and receive gifts from the PSG. This type of activity really reinforces the high regard in which our staff are held and cements the already positive relationships we have within the school. Thank you very much!

The day before the Bazaar is World Failure Day. We choose to celebrate this day because we have a strong belief that to be successful you need to be risk takers. Risk can lead to failure. If people are scared of failure, they will be scared to take risks and they will miss out on the opportunities that arise. We invite our community to take appropriate risks and if they fail, embrace it. Use failure as a stepping stone to success. There is a second aspect to this which is also important. As human beings we all occasionally are guilty of doing silly or unworthy things. Even things that we are ashamed of. It is important to understand that these do not define us and to strive to be better as a result of these failures.

We sent a notice home regarding the high temperatures this week and the need for everyone to stay safe and hydrated. We will continue to monitor.

Finally, please note that there will be obstacles in the school car park this week as the site is readied for the bazaar.  From Tuesday pick up time through till the end of the week there will be construction activities which mean that you will have to drive more carefully than usual.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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