News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear students, staff, parents, alumni and the whole Sekolah Ciputra community,

It was a real treat to see the elementary girls training for volleyball, football and basketball last week. What was more impressive was the fact that so many of our senior girls gave up their time to support the training. The reason for this training is that we want to remove barriers from female students playing team sports. Traditionally in our school, girls normally involve themselves in school team sports in grade 7 or even older. We want younger students to benefit from the fitness, camaraderie and teamwork that sports give them as well as to help them to build skills at a younger age so that they have a higher level of technical competence when they reach the high school and the senior teams.

It was a great week for parent and community engagement with multiple parent workshops and two coffee mornings in both the PYP and the HS.  The grade ten students had their taster courses to help with the option choice process for next year whilst on Wednesday afternoon there was a grade 10 career choice workshop.

The athletics day for the PYP on Thursday was another action packed and enjoyable event. It was great to note the organisation and participation once again despite the heat (Thankfully the event was held in the morning). Congratulations to all competitors and participants on an outstanding event.

Building bridges and empowering start ups is the theme for this week’s global entrepreneurship week. Students will participate in numerous events in class and out to help build the spirit of entrepreneurship. We look forward to this celebration.

Another highlight of this week (and there are many) has to be the return of our Alumni challenge. On Wednesday a team of alumni will play for the alumni challenge cup. This fixture was disrupted by covid, so it is great to have it back on the calendar again and also to have our alumni back in the school. They will play the first half of the game against a team of their former teachers and the second half against our current senior students. It promises to be a lot of fun and it will be wonderful to have some familiar faces back in the school.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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