News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Students, Staff alumni and proud members of the Sekolah Ciputra family,

There are two major academic milestones beginning this week. Firstly, the G12 students have their mock examinations. This is incredibly important in giving students a last checkpoint as to where they are, (and where they need to be) in terms of their final preparations for the full DP examinations. For some of our students this is their last major summative assessment and is critically important for their university entrance. We wish all our G12 students the very best.

Secondly, if you have been in the upper floors of the PYP in the last few weeks you will have noticed small groups of students working collaboratively on their PYP exhibition. This is the final summative task for the PYP years and showcases the skills and development of the students during their PYP journey. This week the exhibition will be celebrated on Wednesday and Friday. It will be a jaw droppingly wonderful exhibition of skills and talent. Again, we wish our students all the very best.

Hard on the heels of this, the major summative task for the MYP, the personal project is due for our grade 10 students. This will provide major insights into learning, the learner profile and the development of the approaches to learning.  We look forward to this display of ingenuity and design thinking.

On Tuesday afternoon the HS coffee afternoon will feature the heads of faculty from the design and science departments. This is a great opportunity for parents to gain insight into the aims and objectives of these subjects.

Finally, it is great to see the staff versus student games taking place in the school. Two weeks ago, we had basketball and on Friday volleyball. I won’t comment on the results, suffice it to say I think the staff need a few extra practice sessions!

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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