News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

We all feel incredibly proud of the Grade 6 students. and the teachers who supported them, in their magnificent PYP 6 Exhibition. The students showcased their projects on Friday afternoon/evening and it was a wonderful occasion.  The whole Grade 6 team started the Exhibition Day with a performance in Ciputra Hall and then went on to present their work in the Elementary school. They also created an art installation to encapsulate their ideas. There were many, many things to be proud of. The engagement and cooperation between students in the groups was fabulous.  The sense of responsibility and pride in their work was equally impressive. Similarly it was wonderful to note the many partnerships in learning involving students, teachers and parents. Speaking with many of the Grade 6 students, it was clear that they had total ownership of their learning. They were able to describe the what, why and how of their projects and could explain in detail the whole learning process.

Well done Grade 6 and to the entire PYP 6 Exhibition team on a job well done!

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

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