News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

During the last High School assembly of this term we discussed the importance of good manners. The perspective we believe, is good relationships are the foundation of a properly functioning society, and good manners contribute enormously to good relationships. The capacity to self-manage, to listen actively, to work effectively in groups, to try and understand differing viewpoints and possessing the belief that people are entitled to their own opinions are fundamental. We are lucky to be in an International Baccalaureate (IBO) school where the learner profile helps us to nurture empathetic, caring and internationally minded people. We are also lucky that our school vision directs us to encourage pride in our national identity, as well as the integrity and resilience to participate in a changing global society. We actively teach the approaches to learning (AtLs) which help us to develop the characteristics of the learner profile and the school vision in our students. Our students are the future and they and their attitudes will shape their world.

This week marks the last week at school for our Grade 12 school based diploma students. They are a wonderful group of students who have their final UNAS examinations next week and then will look forward to their graduation. They have already created a significant legacy and have developed the attributes of both the learner profile and the school vision. We wish them all the very best of luck for their examinations and a safe and happy holiday to you and your families.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn