Dear Parents, Students, Alumni and Proud supporters of Sekolah Ciputra,

As predicted last week was extremely busy with university workshops, vaccinations, parent and student workshops, coffee mornings and four basketball games. The grade 1 students enjoyed their bus outing! The weekend was dominated by the Sekolah Ciputra Model United Nations. This event gave the students the opportunity to address global issues, to collaborate, to look at situations from different perspectives and to use higher level learning skills. This was a student organised event but was also supported by a number of staff who gave up their weekends to help make it happen.

This week is similarly busy, with basketball games, university visits and a continuation of the grade 1 outings. This weekend sees the PSG sponsored “Ayah Hadir.” This is a workshop that focusses on the role of the father in the family. The PSG will send out a link with invitations during the week for those who want to make an investment in their family’s future.

The Ciputra Cup Basketball tournament begins on Sunday. This is another large-scale event organised by OSIS. It is wonderful to note their planning and the obvious and thoughtful preparations they are making. This event will also involve a large number of staff giving up a day on the weekend and we are very grateful for their commitment.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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