PYP-5 YLT Camp Experience

Introduction and Explanation

Students of PYP 5 spent three days exploring leadership qualities and skills during this year’s Youth Leadership Training, or YLT.  What was the YLT all about? Youth Leadership Training helped students sharpen and hone their leadership skills, both online and offline. It included loads of fun and engaging camp activities, and even incorporated guest speakers to set the perfect example for students. Now to the beautiful Youth Leadership Training action! 

Our Student Committee

I was a member of the student committee. What is the student committee you may ask? Well, the student committee was a small group of students who took on the responsibility of helping the teachers organize events and activities. We were responsible for the morning programme, warm-up activities, and an afternoon of fun to close out the YLT. We were a group of selected students who took on important tasks to help the training succeed. 

Day 1 of YLT

Day 1 started with a warm-up activity to fill students with energy. Students were organised into groups where we planned chants and yell-yells to build enthusiasm, motivation and overall ‘camp spirit’. Next, we welcomed the keynote speakers to impart their wisdom on an eager audience. The day also involved a mix of offline and online activities, depending on where you were situated. The offline activity tested our teamwork skills by building a tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti.

Day 2 of YLT

Day 2 started with a small warm-up activity. We then heard from a range of leaders who spoke to us about specific leadership skills. Afterwards, we were given time to work on our presentations to Grade 4 – 6 students so we could share what we had learned about leadership. We again took part in activities aimed at teamwork and collaboration, which kept us busy and having fun!

Day 3 of YLT

On the 3rd day, before we showed our students to our breakout rooms, a fun warm-up activity was hosted. Then each group finalized their presentations and finally presented them to PYP 4 & 6 students. For our closing, the student committee hosted an afternoon of awesome team building activities: Bottle Cap Hunt, Leadership Game Show, and Human Knot. Each game involved teamwork and communication on behalf of the participants. 


I am very excited to see what this year’s YLT has taught us! I can’t wait to show off my newfound leadership skills in all aspects of my present and future life. I hope the experience gave knowledge, drive and creativity to all of the student participants. 

Written by Nicole Joy Chandra, PYP 5 YLT Student Committee

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