News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents,

The past week has brought key aspects of our school vision into sharp focus. The flag ceremony and traditional games to celebrate Independence day provided an opportunity to demonstrate our pride in our national identity. It was a very moving ceremony. I was particularly delighted with the student leaders from Elementary who did such a great job.

The international perspective of our vision has been demonstrated by the two groups who have represented us in the World Scholar’s Cups in Kuala Lumpur and Melbourne respectively. It is wonderful to see students going on from the Surabaya round and pitting their skills and ability against the best in the world.

The final aspect of our vision I want to highlight, is possessing the skills, integrity and resilience to participate in a changing global society. Groups of students from across the school swung into action to support the victims of the recent Lombok earthquake. Their efforts will have a significant and positive impact to those in need. I am particularly proud of these three events because they demonstrate that in addition to having a strong academic programme, we also possess students who are truly well rounded global citizens.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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