News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, students, teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community,

I have included links to a website comparing the IBDP to other senior curricular. These are the Victorian, Canadian, Finnish, US Common Core, Singaporean and South Korean curricular. The comparisons are for cognitive skills, outstanding demand and depth of knowledge. In all cases the IBDP courses are similar or surpass these curricula. The attached infographic is very informative and gives a good idea of just how robust a qualification the IBDP is. Remember also that with the IBDP student must take three higher level subjects, must take an additional language and cannot avoid a discipline (in other curricula you can theoretically avoid mathematics or science but not in the IBDP). It is really pleasing to see how robust a qualification it is and the demands it places on our students who routinely and easily beat world wide achievement expectations in the IBDP indicating that they are operating well above the already high standard. We look forward to continued success this year. The link is attached.

It is great to see the sporting season continuing strongly with students involved in the SIS basketball tournament and as expected demonstrating high qualities of both skill and sportspersonship. It is a great combination and the teams, and their coaching staff are to be congratulated. It is always nice to enter three teams in different sections of a tournament and win all three!

Finally, it was lovely to see the article in the Jawa Pos regarding Jovanka’s personal project. It is always great to make real world connections with learning and Jovanka’s plastic paving stones certainly fit the bill for all the work we are doing for sustainability.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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