An Amazing Experience to Reach Success

 This field trip to the middle of Surabaya city was an amazing experience for the current youth to establish a business in the form of technology. As we know, millennials and digital era have developed rapidly over the years. This fieldtrip aims to introduce enterprise students on how to reach success by expressing their creative and critical thinking skills. It is a great benefit that the government provides this facility in the city.

Co working spaces allows creative and critical thinkers to comfortably get their ideas outside their brain in a peaceful and cozy workspace. The space can be rented for free by just registering your ID. With a stable internet speed of up to 100 mbps, students can surf the internet without any problems. There is also an area where an entrepreneur can launch their brand commercially, which is very helpful for those who want to start up their business with a small step.

Besides that, there is space for UKM, which is an organization where entrepreneurs sell their products. There are lots of varieties of products ranging from foods and beverages to fashion. You should check it out, because those creative minds are risk-takers who are willing to try and earn profit out of their idea.

During our tour of the workspace, my first impression was the surroundings. It looks like a simplistic- modern-futuristic style which suits teenagers and young adults. It feels very calm and it has a beautiful view of the city outside the window. After seeing the amount of people working there, I realized that local and future generations are “competing” to reach success in technology and they have a totally different approach and point of view in how they see success. I’ve learned that we need to work hard and be committed if we want to pursue our dreams.

I believe this is a great opportunity for future entrepreneurs. I can use this facility to develop my critical thinking in this millennial-friendly environment and bond with other creative thinkers on digital development, which can develop ideas to promote my product. That would an amazing experience and could help me reach my success in the future.

By: I Putu Josanda Putra Wena 11 UDP

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