When the school dedicates an entire camp to the introduction of a rigorous two-year-programme that your tenth-grade-self enrolled you in, you ask yourself, ?What did I sign up for?
Over the 2nd 3rd August, the Sekolah Ciputra International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Class of 2020 went on the DP Camp, which was organized at the Royal Caravan Hotel & Outbound in Trawas, Mojokerto.
Our two-day-DP-cram session started off with the relatively simple task of describing a place of our choosing in a detailed manner to the person sitting next to us on the bus ride to Trawas. Whilst we were led to believe that this activity served to encourage thoroughness and effective presentation skills, we found out on day two that it was, in actuality, an active listening exercise wherein we had to repeat our partners description from the day before as best we could.
Over the course of this camp, the teachers and counselors used many interesting methods like the aforementioned to help us identify and cultivate effective study habits and skills thatll make the next two years more bearable, including but not limited to setting a study timetable, developing a positive mindset and honing our ability to focus through guided meditation. A significant amount of time was also allocated to an extensive explanation of CAS, which is a fundamental component of the IBDP.
Just as CAS provides a counterbalance to the DPs academic rigor, several physical activities were scheduled to compensate for the many hours spent listening to DP-related presentations, testing our ability to cooperate, which is essential to success in the IBDP.
Of the collaborative activities that we took part in, perhaps most memorable is the?Dance with Druma?, in which teams of at least four people had to walk across a piece of bamboo suspended over a pool of cold water. Falling was inevitable. Nonetheless, it didnat stop anyone from giving it another go.
Yes, the next two years will not be easy. We will face many difficulties and naturally fall at times. However, much like everyone did in the a?Dance with Druma?, we will pick ourselves up each time we fall and try again, eventually coming out the other side a stronger, smarter and more experienced individual. After all, we dont grow when things are easy, do we?
Two years. Let’s do this.
Christy Lorentz 11DP-2