In an era of globalisation and digitalisation, the foreign exchange market will always be such an interesting topic. Knowing that fact, I tried to create an eBook that compiles all my understanding and knowledge about “how to predict the unpredictable foreign exchange market through technical analysis”. I specifically chose foreign exchange as the topic of my Personal Project because I am certain that this project offers such a great opportunity for me to explore deeper into what I have been interested in since Grade 9. Exploring deeper into my personal interest was such a great experience, which I am extremely grateful for.
All my dedication and hard work was worth it. My passion is learning about finance and trading and during this project for almost 7 months, it felt like a second. For these past months, I went through a lot but I finally made it. This would not be possible without the endless support from my Personal Project supervisor, Ms. Karinna Thea.
Lastly, I learned about good time management, managing my time wisely was my biggest obstacle in this project. Writing my reports and the contents of my eBook was not that easy, yet my assignments from other subject classes kept on piling up. But I am very proud of myself as I was able to overcome it despite the obstacles during the journey of my Personal Project.
I hope this will inspire other students to do well in their upcoming Personal Projects.
Benedecta Nadya Evangelie – Grade 10