News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

It has been striking to see the huge range of activities that the school is, and has been involved in over the past couple of weeks. The recent High School Newsletter outlined what has been happening and what’s coming up. It is wonderful to provide so many opportunities. A copy of the High School Newsletter is available on our website.

Our students were wonderful in escorting prospective parents around their school during the Open Days.  Their knowledge of and enthusiasm for the school was very obvious in the way that they interacted. The recent High School coffee morning and ongoing Elementary workshops demonstrate the willingness of our school community to come together and support our children as they are educated for life. 

As has been mentioned many, many times before, the partnership between the school and home is critical and plays an essential role in our school. This partnership was evident at the High School Career Day as well as the recent High School Student-led-Conferencing. It was wonderful to note that in addition to assessing themselves in all their subjects, the students also had to go through the attributes of the IB Learner Profile and reflect upon their capacity to demonstrate these traits.

Congratulations also to everyone associated with the Kidpreneur fair. This has grown in stature over the years. The process of applying entrepreneurial concepts now takes precedence and it is wonderful to hear the students describe the steps they took in their problem solving. The students were able to present remarkable business plans and demonstrated considerable depth and breadth in their entrepreneurial thinking.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn