News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

The last few weeks have seen a few pleasing developments in the process of re-opening the school for face to face teaching.  It has been wonderful to start welcoming our overseas teachers into Surabaya. To have all our teachers here, in the same time zone as the students’, means that we will be prepared for the transition to face to face. In the last two weeks we have also had a number of meetings with the teachers and parents of Grade 12 students as well as the students themselves. These talks have been around a possible voluntary phased reintroduction for Grade 12 students to face to face teaching. This has been designed to facilitate mandated IBO assessments but could grow into a more formal daily teaching routine. I look forward to giving you updates on progress.

This week on the 10th of November saw the celebration of National Heroes Day, celebrating the commitment and sacrifices made in the Battle of Surabaya.  Surabaya is proud of being known as the “City of Heroes,” and it is fitting that younger generations should acknowledge and respect the many sacrifices made against incredible odds.  

Congratulations to all the Fathers. Wednesday was Indonesian Fathers’ Day. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the crucial role that Fathers play within the family.  

Finally, Friday was World Kindness Day. If there has been one thing the events of the year have taught us, it is the need to be kind and empathetic to the needs of others. I think we can all be very proud of the many different ways our community has embodied the spirit of kindness.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal