News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Congratulations to everyone involved in the semester examinations and summative tasks. It is an organisational nightmare to have so many summative activities going online and to organise them in a way that supports a high level of academic integrity. I am very pleased with the standard of the work set, and the organisational structure. Students from right across the curriculum will be receiving their semester reports next week. There is the opportunity for you to meet virtually with the teachers to discuss progress. More importantly the semester break and summative result gives the opportunity of pausing, reflecting and then deciding how to improve and move forward. This is a critical part of the learning process and is much more important than the raw mark itself.

On Friday we had the initial continuum celebration for International Human Rights Day. This is a significant issue with growing inequality and discrimination based on a range of issues holding people back from reaching their full potential and flourishing. Congratulations to all the students who volunteered to make and record speeches about this issue and to the shortlist of five finalists who were chosen. They will compete in real time today. All the very best of luck to:

1. Gracelyne Stefiona Tanadi (Grade 6)

2. Kayley Helena Wuisan (Grade 6)

3. Abigail Zoe Wang (Grade 7)

4. Nasya Lilananda (Grade 11)

5. Sidharta Hutama Wuntoro (Grade 11)


Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn 

Executive Principal 

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