News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

There is just so much talent in our school! The production of Aladdin which had performances on Friday and Saturday was truly amazing. It was wonderful to experience the wonderful acting, singing and dancing from students right across the continuum. Our support crew was equally magnificent. It was, as the producer, Ms Adrianna said, a true “extravaganza.” It was also fabulous to have a performance with a live audience and represented yet another step in our return to a more normal school life. Huge credit must be given to our dedicated staff who gave up so much of their time to make this special event happen. Congratulations everyone!

On this theme, we have the school Cross Country on Tuesday. This will be an exciting event as we will start with a flag ceremony for Pancasila Day then use the occasion to launch our House Mascot. The mascots represent our School-Houses and aspects of the learner profile and such a great way to help build positive school spirit. Following the launch, we will enjoy the PYP Power Walk and the High School Cross Country. I look froward to parents and staff joining in and having a truly memorable day.

Please remember that we are also entering the time of the final summative task for all High School students. This is a serious academic hurdle that needs to be negotiated. Again, we look forward to our students approaching this task with a level of commitment and dedication. 

Finally, congratulations to our Grade 12 cohort, the class of 2022 who officially graduate on Friday. We wish you all the very best for this momentous day and look forward to you officially becoming alumni of the school.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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