News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Students, Alumni and Proud Supporters of Sekolah Ciputra,

Congratulations to all the fathers who took part in the Ayah Hadir workshop on Saturday. Organised b the PSG this workshop focussed on the huge role that fathers play in the upbringing of their children. Thank you so much to presenter, the PSG and the fathers who took part.

Congratulations also to the OSIS team. Sunday saw the opening of the weeklong Ciputra Cup basketball competition. The magnitude of this undertaking is immense, and the OSIS team are to be commended for their organisation, patience and resilience. We have a superb group of young leaders who do a wonderful job on behalf of their fellow students.We also need to note the contribution of staff. Many, who were here all weekend last weekend for the Model MUN, turned out again on Sunday. They have wonderful dedication.

It is nice to see the rehearsals for our school production underway and great to note the balance between sporting, cultural and intellectual activities within the school! We look forward to their performance.

Our community engagement PLC will meet on Thursday afternoon. This involves students, parents and staff helping to build strong relationships within the school community. It is a great opportunity to continue building a positive learning environment that supports everyone’s wellbeing. We also have a university visit (Monash for Melbourne) and a grade 11 information session on university and career choices. The PYP hold their parent coffee morning on Tuesday.

So as ever there is a lot going on, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! All the best of luck to the teams for the Ciputra Cup and have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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