Who will win the inaugural Alumni Challenge?

Sekolah Ciputra students will be challenging our Alumni to a football match on Thursday, 26th April. This will be held straight after school. Come along and watch these two teams battle it out to win the Alumni Challenge title and trophy!!

Refreshments, fun and excitement guaranteed.

From our Executive Principal….

Tomorrow 26th April will see the first game played between our Alumni and a school team made up of staff and students. We are very proud to have donated a trophy to commemorate what we plan will be at least an annual event between the school and its Alumni. It is really important that we maintain links with our past students to best see our way forward into the future. The idea behind the Alumni Trophy is that it is administered from the office of the Executive Principal. At least one game will be played annually for the trophy. The following year the side that dona��t hold the trophy will have the right of challenge. The conditions of challenge are that it is to be a team sport/event so that we can have multiple participants and the challenge is organised in such a way that supports school programmes. This year it is football, but we will hopefully see many codes and challenging events. The trophy will be kept on display, engraved with the winning teama��s name, sport and year in our Alumni Hall of Fame (in the school canteen).A� I look forward to the event, the competition but most of all to fostering closer links with Alumni to build upon the past to enhance the future.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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