News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

What a busy and eventful week we had last week!

It started with the news that we have been granted WASC candidacy. You may recall that earlier in the year we had a visit from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). This is an international schools’ accreditation agency and the purpose is to ensure all our systems are efficient and of an international standard which in turn benefits our students. This process will continue over the next couple of years and culminate with a combined IBO authorisation visit and WASC accreditation visit in 2021.

Wednesday was our second Open Day. This was highly successful and combined with Pak Aton presenting a workshop to parents on helping their teen to make choices for life after High School. We also had the inspiring Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition. This is always a great event and seeing the results of many months of research, planning and creation. I really enjoyed the emphasis on entrepreneurship and the design process evident this year.

The amazing High School production, “Three Idiots,” entertained us all. We invited students from SIS and SES to the matinee performances and Saturday evening was open to the public. The cast and crew showed us their incredible talents with their acting, music and dance skills backed up with the huge amount of backstage support. I have heard such a lot of positive feedback from parents, visiting teachers and students. Well Done!

Our junior girls basketball team played well last week and over the weekend. It was great to see so many parents, teachers and staff attending and supporting our students.

Finally, our Grade 12 DP students completed their mock exams.

Every year we add to our growing list of activities and events. We are lucky to have so many teachers and staff that put in extra time after hours and over the weekends. Without your support, some of these activities would not happen. Thank you! There are too many people to thank individually, suffice it to say, “Well done to the whole Sekolah Ciputra family.”

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

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