News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

We can all feel very proud of the school community for the way in which they embraced #myfreedomday.  It was wonderful to see the PYP and High School working together and the students engaged with this serious issue. I compliment everyone on their commitment and bringing awareness to a global problem. “What makes you feel free?” Please take the opportunity to watch the video we made on the website or our Instagram and see our students responses.

Congratulations to Grade 12 SBDP students who have just finished their final school examinations. There is no time to rest on laurels however! In two weeks’ time they face their final UNAS examinations. There is a lot of pressure to perform at this time of the year! Grade 9 simulations are scheduled for this week and Grade 6 are next month. Stay calm and focussed and please, ask for help if you need to. One thing we know, is that a large number of committed teachers are willing to go the extra mile to support students.

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn