Nico Christian Sunaryo

Nico Christian Sunaryo
Class of 2012

What was the best thing about Sekolah Ciputra? Tell us something memorable from your time at Sekolah Ciputra.
I spent my junior and senior high school time in Sekolah Ciputra. The critical thinking and problem-solving skills were the best things from my days as Sekolah Ciputra student.

Where did you go to university? What did you study? Can you please share your experience applying to the uni?
I went to the Faculty of Medicine, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya for my Medical Doctor degree. Now I am a master student of Hospital Management Program in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University Malang.

Sekolah Ciputra contributed to my public speaking and presentation skills (especially in English) as well as my communication and problem-solving. In medicine, we are challenged to make a decision and to weigh the consequences of each of our actions; including breaking bad news to patients, or simply to explain about their health condition.

What advice would you give to a graduating student?
Be grateful for everything. Once you see the real world, you will know how lucky and blessed you are.

Recently, the world trend among Millennials or even Z-Gen is to find your “ikigai”. However, it is not the only reason to continue your career. Don’t use your “ikigai” as an excuse to fail on something. Saying “Ah, this is not my passion, this is not something that I like. That’s why I failed”.
Instead of saying that, if you really have a passion, you must have that ‘hunger’ to strive for the best no matter how the situation is.

What kind of work do you do? In what way did the school contribute to your job right now?
I manage my own hospital while continuing my studies as a master student now.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love sports. I enjoy a good movie and food with my close friends and partner. It keeps me sane 😉

Finally, on Saturday, 24th October 2020 it will be Hari Dokter Nasional (National Day of Doctors) and would like to finish with this.

Teruntuk teman” sejawatku.
Selamat Hari Dokter Nasional!
“Gusti Mboten Sare”
Tuhan tidak tidur. Tuhan yang akan membalas kebaikan teman” sejawat semuanya. Amin! Tuhan memberkati!