STUCO Charity Events 2019

For the second event this school year, STUCO presented their annual Charity Event, which was a continuation of the school fundraising activities in PYP Sekolah Ciputra last year. The event was held on various dates and places since we wanted to make it different from last year and to give a wider impact on society.

STUCO officers organised various Charity activities for the school community to participate in such as:

  • World Food Day on 16th October, STUCO collected non-perishable food (canned food, instant noodles, etc) during 14th – 18th October.
  • We then donated the food collection to street children in Putat Jaya area on the 8th November.
  • We will continue donating these goods to two orphanages in Surabaya Barat Panti Asuhan “House of Hope” in Sambisari Utara 1 no.15 and Panti Asuhan Khadijah 3 in Jl. Raya Lontar Candi Lempung No 2-4 on the 27th November.
  • We held a mufti day on the 31st October. Students and staff had the option to wear mufti clothes for a day and donating at least Rp 5,000. From this event we collected Rp 5,012,000 which we will use to buy more goods for orphanages.
  • We are working together with the school Parent Support Group (PSG) to hold a garage sale to purchase stationery packages that we will sell for only Rp 2,000 on 7th December.
  • On the 5th December are going to a school for disabled children Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat (YPAC) in Semolowaru Utara 5 as our final charity event.

All of the students, teachers, staff and parents were really excited to participate in all these activities. Although it meant busy days for STUCO officers for 3 months, it was an amazing experience for us to plan, sort out donations and to arrange an event to be successful.

This event was an example of students at Sekolah Ciputra taking action and helping other children in need. From kids-by kids-to kids. We are very happy when the small things we do makes them smile so much. It is very humbling and makes us appreciate how fortunate we are. Participating in activities such as these teaches students about international-mindedness and caring for others who are less fortunate. We thank all parents, teachers, staff and students who made this event a great success.

Ms. Corry – STUCO adviser

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