News from The Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Welcome back from the Eid break. We hope you were able to enjoy quality time with you family and friends.

Congratulations to the Grade 12 students who have finished the instructional phase of their schooling. Following the completion of their exams they will begin preparations for their graduation. This is a significant milestone in their lives, which marks a rite of passage to adulthood. As plans currently stand, the graduation will be a live event.

On the topic of live events, we are still expecting for the school to be fully open for full school hours from Tuesday, 17th May. This will be a simulation to ensure that the school will be ready for a full start to the 2022/2023 year.  We will confirm this and pass on details later in the week after consultation with the Board of Trustees and our Covid 19 Taskforce. We also have a number of activities planned, like the Cross Country, to give the students experiences that they have not had for over two years.  Please also look out for the PSG’s, “Culture Day” and “Ciputra’s Got Talent.”

Every year the school consults with stakeholders about the meaning of two of our learner profile attributes to try and establish a common understanding within our community. These are discussed with students, the PSG and staff. This year we looked at the attributes of “Caring,” and “Reflective.” The summary of this can be found on the school website under the tab “Programmes,” then “Learner Profile Attributes.”  These are the foundation on which our academic programme is built.

Finally, the annual parent survey has been sent out to you. Please take the opportunity to fill it out. Many of the initiatives undertaken by the school come as a result of this survey. We rely upon it as a significant source of feedback, so please help guide our future by completing it. 


Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal


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