Congratulations to our talented Year 11 students for coming 4th in the recent History Comic Competition. Caitlin Josephine Cheng, Amanda Callista Wenas, and Vienna Augusta K joined this competition which was hosted by Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Jawa Timur, Bidang Cagar Budaya dan Sejarah during September – October 2017. The theme was Mencintai Sejarah Kotaku (Love the History of My City). The competition attracted 70 participants from many schools in East Java.

Caitlin, Amanda and Vienna created a comic titled a�?Throne of Surabayaa�?. The comic tells a story about a group of five friends who are struggling with their studys for a history test. They decide to divert their attention to play a new online game called “Throne of Surabaya”. They spend all their study time playing the game. However, they discovered by playing the game they learnt more about history than from the books they had. In the end, they managed to get good grades and they realized that there are other interactive ways of learning.

The students were presented with their awards at Jatim Fair – Grand City Convention Hall on Thursday, 12th October 2017.

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