News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

It is wonderful to see how positive our whole school community has been in the face of the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in.  Our students are having to cope with a type of learning that they have not experienced before.  Similarly, our teachers, having lost the vital ingredient of face-to-face contact, continue to use a wide variety of resources, apps and techniques to maintain contact and learning. Our parents face the challenge of working from home whilst supervising online learning. These are significant challenges for everyone.

This week sees Surabaya move into lockdown mode. This will place more restrictions on movement. We are heartened by the fact that the Sekolah Ciputra community appears to be growing stronger and mutually supportive.  Students continue to work hard, teachers continue to innovate and parents continue to navigate the many challenges that the situation presents.

We have consistently repeated the message to stay calm safe yet alert. We have also emphasised the need to be empathetic in understanding that everyone is experiencing difficulty and we need to support each other.  Times like this bring the best out of people and we are proud to be part of this wonderful community.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

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