News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Celebrating Independence Day together was a highly moving occasion. It was a wonderful, solemn ceremony that both respected the past and laid down a positive challenge for the future.

It was great to have so many from the school attend the senior girls’ basketball game at the DBL Centre on Friday, showing a good display of school spirit. Until interrupted by the pandemic, going down to support a game during school time was a tradition, which we were trying to build.  The team played well against very good opponents.

Peter Perwata the past president of the Parent Support Group was officially farewelled by school leadership and the PSG team on Friday. We wish to publicly acknowledge the fine job the Pak Peter and his team have done over many years supporting the school and providing valuable partnership with our wider community. We look forward to continuing this partnership in the capable hands of Ibu Nency Gunawan and her team and remind you that all are welcome to join the PSG.

We urge High School parents to attend the two ManageBac information sessions being run this week.  ManageBac is the key method of communication between the school and home in the HS and gives parents very accurate information into deadlines and grades. Many parents however are not sure how to use it and we believe gaining some insight will be valuable in helping you monitor your child’s progress.

Finally, we have the simulation for the Grade 11 national assessment this week as well as MAP testing so we are very busy again but is great to note the progress and positivity. 


Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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