Learning Community Charity Event

On Monday, 12 December 2022, the PYP STUCO team, the PSG (Parent Support Group), and some High School student volunteers went to Panti Jompo “Griya Usia Lanjut Santo Yosef” in Jelidro, Surabaya. It is a place where some elders live. In this annual charity event, the PYP donated the Chinese New Year angpao, the PSG donated the basic items needed, and the High School students helped the distribution to the elders. 

In the senior home, we held many activities to entertain the elders starting from prayers, singing, guessing games, dancing and freezing, and eating ‘bakso’ together. The elders participated well during the sessions and one sang some songs in English and Mandarin. The event was good for the Sekolah Ciputra learning community where STUCO, the PSG, and the High School students learned to demonstrate the attribute of being caring through actions as the surprise visit that made the elders smile and entertained them.

As a thank you gift, the PSG made towels to give to the senior home staff who ensured all those elders were being taken care of. We hope we can create a great bond with everyone and stay kind to people.

Vanessa N. Limery – Grade 5D

We packed goods with PYP STUCO members and PSG on 7th December. The goods are then later given to the residents in Griya Usia Lanjut St. Yosef, Sambikerep. Then, on the 12th of December we went there to serve food for the residents. Not only did we serve the food, we also prepared the food together in individual bowls for every single resident. We have prepared 280 bowls. Through doing this activity, I was able to see the living conditions of the residents there and appreciate what I have more. I need to show care and tenderness to my parents and grandparents and to elderly in general. After doing this activity, I learnt to be more grateful and I also learnt to work collaboratively with my peers in order to accomplish the activity smoothly.
Christa Hanna Agusalim, Grade 12DP

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