International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Grades 11 – 12)

Grade 11 and 12
During the second semester, 10th-grade students participate in a comprehensive counseling process to choose their pathway for Grades 11 and 12. Students choose from the following:
• International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
• International Baccalaureate Courses Programme
• Sekolah Ciputra Courses Programme
To enroll in each program, students must meet the admission standards in Semester 1 of Grade 10.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
This program is a comprehensive international curriculum delivered in English. It is a two-year pre-university study program that demands rigorous assessment, leading to external examinations, conducted by IBO, at the end of Grade 12. Students are equipped with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and employment. Many universities offer credit points or advanced status to IBDP students. The DP track is primarily intended for students planning to study at universities abroad or at certain universities/faculties in Indonesia. At many universities, students who have completed the Diploma Programme may be granted advanced standing or credit points towards their final degree. Students entering this program must have achieved at least 5 core subjects in the first semester of Grade 10 (English, Humanities, Indonesian, Mathematics, and Science) and be highly motivated in their academic approach.
It should be noted that currently not all universities in Indonesia understand the IBDP Programme.
Sekolah Ciputra offers the following subjects at the IBDP level:
• Language and Literature: English, Indonesia
• Language Acquisition: English, Indonesian, Mandarin
• Arts: Visual Arts, Music
• Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches, Applications and Interpretations
• Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design Tech, Environmental Systems and Societies (SL), Physics

• Individual and Societies: Business Management, Economics, Geography, Global Politics, History, Psychology (SL) (online with Pamoja)

Students choose one subject from each of the six different subject groups. At least three (and no more than four) subjects must be studied at Higher Level (HL) and the others at Standard Level (SL).

The additional key components, which must be taken by all IB Diploma students, are:

Theory of Knowledge (TOK). Mandatory for all IB Diploma students. It is an interdisciplinary study in which students critically reflect on how they know what they know. They must write a 1200-1600 word essay, in English, from a list of 10 questions specified by IBO. They must present their topic, in front of the class for 10 minutes and prepare a self-evaluation report.

Extended Essay (EE). All IB Diploma students write a 4000-word essay, in English, that is externally assessed by IBO. This is an in-depth study based on one subject. It helps students to be prepare for their university by introducing them to independent research styles and writing skills expected at this level.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). CAS provides a balance to the academic program. This program aims to educate students holistically and cultivate them to become a more caring and active citizen. CAS encompasses a wide range of activities, including arts, camping, individual and team sports, as well as community activities and social services. Students must complete CAS for 150 hours over a two-year program and maintain a journal to record the total number of activity hours, including the reflections on their progress.

For more information on the IB Diploma Programme, please visit the IBO website at www.ibo.org

International Baccalaureate Courses Programme
The IB Courses Programme is a rigorous 2-year study program delivered in English, with strict assessments including the external exams conducted by the IBO, at the end of Grade 12. It is suitable for students who choose to study IB subjects outside the required pattern, or at different levels from those set by the IBO, especially in the second year of this program. Students entering this program must have a minimum average of 4.5 in the first semester of their core subjects in Grade 10 (English, Humanities, Indonesian, Mathematics, and Science). CAS and Extended Essay are required components.

Students who successfully meet the subject requirements will receive an IB Certificate for those subjects. This certificate is recognized by colleges, college preparatory programs, and some universities abroad. Students and families are advised to check the website of each university.

Sekolah Ciputra Courses Programme
This two-year programme is designed to allow students to study at Indonesian universities whilst also gaining internationally recognised qualifications, which will aid them with applying to foreign universities should they choose to do so. Students follow an IB curriculum and take their English, Indonesian and Maths examinations with the IB. They can take their other subjects with the IB or as school subjects. 

Students in this program must have a minimum average of 4 in the first semester of the core subjects in Grade 10 (English, Indonesian, Mathematics, and Science).

EE and CAS
All students must write an Extended Essay (EE) in English, that will be assessed at the school. This is an in-depth study based on one subject. It helps students to be prepared for their university by introducing them to independent research styles and writing skills expected at this level. The word limit for the essay varies based on the program chosen by the students.

All students must participate in the CAS program, as explained above. CAS serves as a balance to the academic program and aims to educate students holistically and nurture them to become a more caring and active citizen.

Language & Literature
English HL/SL
Indonesia HL/SL

Language Acquisition 
English HL
Indonesian HL/SL
Mandarin SL

Visual Arts HL/SL
Music HL/SL

Analysis and Approaches HL/SL
Applications and Interpretations HL/ SL

Biology HL/SL
Chemistry HL/SL
Computer Science HL/SL
Design Tech HL/SL
Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) SL
Physics HL/SL

Individual & Societies
Business Management HL/SL
Economics  HL/SL
Geography HL/SL
Global Politics HL/SL
History HL/SL
Psychology SL (online with Pamoja)

Diploma Programme