News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

We are approaching Indonesia’s Independence Day. The city is decorated with Indonesian flags and there is a positive sense of togetherness. August is the time of year when the people of Indonesia can reflect upon and take pride in their past. It is a good thing to take time to appreciate and give thanks to those who sacrificed so much so that we can enjoy a better life. Pride in the achievement of others and gratitude really help with the fabric of our society.  It also provides a springboard for a positive future. Normally our celebrations consist of a flag ceremony here at school followed by traditional games. This year however we will be linking in to the Presidents flag ceremony virtually. We will send details on how this will be done during the week.

Thank you everyone for your participation in the assemblies last week. They were great testimonials to the work that is going on throughout the school. Please, as I said last week, take the time to give feedback on how the programme is running. We will to continue to build on online learning with your support.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal