News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Welcome to Surabaya and Sekolah Ciputra Ms Christine. We are delighted to announce that our Elementary Principal, Ms Christine, has now arrived in town. She has already been very active whilst working online from Australia. It is great to have her here in person to carry on the excellent work. She will join us in the school once her self-quarantine period is over.

Last week three IBO and WASC teams visited our school virtually. This proved to be a very informative and successful visit with lots of positive comments and very helpful suggestions for future improvements. We have been given plenty of feedback to reflect upon as we move forward to writing our new strategic plan for the 2021 to 2024 school years. The team singled out the support we have from our parents and the positive engagement of the students within the school. It was lovely to note that they also highlighted the enthusiasm and commitment of the teachers and the strong leadership provided by our Board of Trustees. It was very satisfying feedback on many levels.  On behalf of the leadership team I want to thank everyone who put so much time and effort into this process. I would like particularly thank our parents and students who were involved in the WASC leadership team, Bapak Peter, Ibu Allen, Ibu Nency, Farrell and Ishan. Your contribution to this process was outstanding.

The leadership team look forward to the opportunity of reporting to our parents once we have the final reports and also working with you to craft and design our strategic plan for the next three years. 

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal