News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Welcome back from the Chinese New Year break. It was certainly nice to see the students all dressed in red and/or traditional outfits to celebrate. There was a real sense of family within the school.

Next Saturday we have the Chinese New Year Open Day in the Pre-Elementary school. This event will be a practical hands-on demonstration of exactly what makes our Early Years programme so strong. There will be lessons students (and parents) can participate in, workshops, tours, and a question-and-answer opportunity. There are a few vacancies left for places in the Pre-Elementary, but this is not the case in some grade levels, due to class limits, we have potential students on our waiting list. The school is looking likely to increase student numbers this year from the previous year. Thus, I would strongly recommend if you (or family and friends) have a child of Pre-Elementary age, to come along to the Open Day. Joining Sekolah Ciputra early is a very good way of securing a place for your child through out their school journey.

Entrepreneurship sits at the heart of our school, and I want to take the opportunity of sharing the following write up from Mr Reuben our Entrepreneurship Coordinator.:

Entrepreneurship @ Sekolah Ciputra

Students from Grade 11 have been busy creating their own pop up businesses which have sustainability in mind. 

Patricia, Alessia and Warren (Grade 11) baked and sold two products: “Brookies” – a type of cookie and brownie hybrid for humans to eat and for non-humans: Special banana-based dog treats!  From the photos (in the entrepreneurship section), you can see that they have promoted their products to the highest standards by using easily recycled material, vibrant colors, and easy to use boxes. Inside the packaging, the product was tasty and baked to perfection.  The price for each item was very reasonable and they even gave a discount if you bought the two items together. 

The best thing about the venture was that ALL the profit went to the student led organization called ““. This is a charity which helps dogs shelters during the pandemic, providing food and other essential items.  Well done, students! 

Lastly, please continue to be aware that we are in a volatile situation with the ongoing pandemic. Our desire is to open for longer and a higher level of face-to-face teaching, but this must be tempered with the reality that the situation could get worse. Our taskforce will continue its great work liaising with the different ministries to ensure the school remains a safe place. Please be aware that when we have cases in the school, we must close the affected grade level for five days. We ask that you continue to reinforce the safety messages with your children and continue to be flexible if or when our situation changes.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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