Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Two events in the last few days have really raised the spirits of the whole school community. OSIS put together the Ciputra Cup at very short notice, which meant we were able to host other schools in a Basketball competition as well as an exhibition Football match. OSIS excelled themselves once again with their wonderful organisation and attention to detail. I am very proud of the way most students managed to balance organisation, participation in the events and their schoolwork, which is always demanding at this time of the year.

The Parent Support Group (PSG) put together a wonderful Culture Day celebration. It was fabulous to see staff, students and parents dressed in different national costumes, to watch performances from around the world and to enjoy eating international cuisine. Thank you so much to the PSG for this event and for your ongoing support and positivity.

This week also sees the StuCo elections taking place. Best of luck to our student politicians for their campaigns. We appreciate you all for standing and know that whatever the outcome, StuCo will give a positive and active voice to our PYP students.

These events and the fact we have just completed our first week of full offline school hours really provide a strong sense of hope for the community. We have the school production next Friday and Saturday, the Cross Country and the completion and graduation ceremonies, in what will be a very hectic yet rewarding time for everyone. 

We look forward to these events and moving into a much more “normal,” 2022/2023 academic year. 

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal


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